Horoscopes for Today

September 8, 2024

3/21 – 4/19

With a string of excellent aspects you are likely to have a rather fabulous Sunday. Your personal relationships are looking good, but one in particular is likely to strengthen. Whether this is a friendship or even a romance you’ll certainly be regarding the day as a constructive one!

4/20 – 5/20

What a good job it’s Sunday, because you will not feel like exerting yourself; instead you’ll be in an ultra sociable mood, thanks to a couple of strong aspects, including one from the moon. It’s also more than possible that you’ll meet someone who will turn out to intrigue you more than a little!

5/21 – 6/20

Opportunities for some romantic developments are more than possible, as the planetary line up will provide an easy going and harmonious day for you. Just make sure that you’re looking and feeling great, especially this evening, which is the time when things are likely to get very interesting!

6/21 – 7/22

The aspects that were revving you up yesterday will move away. You are likely to feel less motivated, thanks to the moon, but you can take advantage of this mood by settling down in front of the TV, which will help recharge your batteries so that you can truly enjoy a lively evening!

7/23 – 8/22

All the stars are acting in your favor, making you will feel full of confidence, and this should remain stable as the day progresses. Dependable influences suggest that you will also experience a strong sense of insight. It might be a good day to rethink an enduring problem!

8/23 – 9/22

You have enormous reserves of creative energy that are usually held beneath the surface or only thought through in your mind. Today is an ideal time for you to take action and get some of that talent out into the open for others to appreciate. Once you take the leap you won’t regret it!

9/23 – 10/22

Today is likely to be flattering and slightly embarrassing in equal measure. Someone in your immediate social circle has developed a crush on you and they are likely to let you know which way the wind is blowing. As flattering as this may be this is unfortunately not someone about whom you feel the same!

10/23 – 11/21

You’re likely to be faced with a tricky choice: for you the choice will be between an opportunity to do something fun and exciting with a friend, and romance. This could be awkward, but the position of the moon suggests that romance is the area that could do with some attention!

11/22 – 12/21

You could have a strange day, especially if you’re feeling a little ignored. The influence of the sun is urging you to break out of your routine and do something completely different. Your sense of freedom will be important to you at the moment, but you’ll still benefit from plenty of company!

12/22 – 1/19

If it starts to feel as though someone close to you is pushing their luck with you a little too much, then don’t be afraid to voice your concerns, but do so in a gentle way. Thanks to Pluto you will have the upper hand and you’ll also have the surprise backing of a third party!

1/20 – 2/18

You could be pulled in two directions: you know you need to finish some chore or stick to some deadline, but you also want to make the most of your sociable mood and have fun! Approach this in the right way and you could find you’ll be able to enjoy the best of both worlds!

2/19 – 3/20

The influence of the moon will make itself felt, instilling you with a need for the better things in life and distracting you from everyday demands. Doing something creative, whether that’s visiting a gallery or signing up for dance lessons, will help define your sense of focus!

Health Tip of the Day: Olives contain very little carbohydrates; their high energy content comes from fatty acids, mainly healthy oleic acid. Snack on olives!

Today’s Stress Buster: It’s nice to be polite and it’s important to be nice, but only when it’s reciprocated and a mutual respect exists. Otherwise, it’s important to stand firm!

Celebrities born on September 8: Peter Sellers, Heather Thomas, Ann Beattie, Patsy Cline, Aguri Suzuki, Pink, Jonathan Taylor Thomas

Today’s Meditation: There is no greater loan than a sympathetic ear. — Anonymous