Horoscopes for Today

July 27, 2024

3/21 – 4/19

Thanks to Pluto, you’ll be able to deal with whatever the day throws at you, but there will be the chance that you’ll demand too much from yourself and from others around you. This could lead to some friction that can easily be avoided, if you are prepared to accept that not everyone is perfect!

4/20 – 5/20

You could be in line for a lucky day: a small cash win or an act of someone’s generosity could mean that you’ll feel a little richer today. Don’t blow it all though; a shrewd streak will make those bargains easier to spot, if you’re looking for any new items or accessories!

5/21 – 6/20

Mixed lunar aspects are likely to be the cause of a few minor tensions, especially at home. It’s possible that you might question whether you can trust someone, but it would be best to push this doubt aside for a day or two and address it then. In the meantime, introduce the much-need fun-factor into the day!

6/21 – 7/22

With the moon exerting considerable influence, you are likely to find that matters of the heart are less than perfect. The negative aspects will fade by the end of the day, so don’t get bogged down by too many serious conversations; things will resolve themselves tomorrow, and then some!

7/23 – 8/22

You should escape the worst of the moon’s prickly influences; friends bring a great start to the weekend; fun and games are on the agenda, although cash matters might not be so great. Planetary clashes could create a ripple in your budget; don’t let spending become some kind of competition!

8/23 – 9/22

A whole string of negative aspects could have you feeling as though you have hit a brick wall: maybe there’s unwelcome news; maybe work matters resurface, or perhaps there’s a hint of discord in romance. Don’t get too disheartened: by the late afternoon several of these problems will melt away!

9/23 – 10/22

Thanks to the Uranus/Saturn aspect you might find that you’ll be torn between doing what you want and what needs doing. So get those outstanding chores out of the way in the morning, which will clear your conscience enough for you to enjoy the rest of the day your way!

10/23 – 11/21

A little bit of healthy competition could be just what you need to blow the cobwebs away. Sporting matches or creative challenges will not only appeal but will also give you a boost of much needed confidence. For most it is the taking part that matters; for you, it’s definitely the need to win!

11/22 – 12/21

The drive and motivation that you felt yesterday should ease considerably. Take the opportunity of the current planets affecting your sign to do something adventurous that will appeal to your whacky nature. Your fun nature is just what others need right now, so use it to good effect!

12/22 – 1/19

You can look forward to a much more enjoyable day today, without any nagging voice urging you towards chores or work. Go out bowling or swimming or whatever takes your fancy, but think before you speak, or your impulsive responses could mean a red face!

1/20 – 2/18

The weekend will finally offer some good opportunities in your pursuit of fun, although your energy levels, and possibly your friends, will begin to flag by the afternoon. Use the afternoon to engage in some gentle activities, but if you decide to go shopping, watch the cash-flow!

2/19 – 3/20

Thanks to some positive influences you can expect to behave a little out of character. You’re likely to be feeling sociable and in the mood for some fun. Make the most of the weekend by brushing yesterday’s lethargy aside. A little impulsiveness and spontaneity won’t hurt!

Health Tip of the Day: Combining strawberries with your cereal will increase the rate of your iron absorption.

Today’s Stress Buster: Everybody knows that a healthy body should be flexible. However, you can also apply that to your whole life and find a much more relaxed way of living!

Celebrities born on July 27: Alex Rodriguez, Doug Tiller, Norman Lear, Maury Chaykin, Bobbie Gentry, Jerry Van Dyke, Peggy Fleming, Maureen McGovern

Today’s Meditation: Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict. — William Ellery Channing